9 Ways We Repurpose Our Content to Increase Visibility and Generate Leads

9 Ways We Repurpose Our Content to Increase Visibility and Generate Leads

Creating quality content is one of the top ways to drive traffic to your web platforms, attracting attention to your brand and building a following that will turn inevitably into leads for your company.

If you follow 6Ninety9, you’ll notice that we release content in all sorts of different formats, in order to maximize its impact and reach the widest audience possible.

In essence, we’re using one base of content creation – this blog – and employing various techniques to transform it for the purposes of a variety of formats.

Here we’ll go over these formats, how we repurpose our content for each one, and how each particular approach impacts your visibility and your goal of generating optimal leads.

#1: Social Media Posts

Having a robust social media presence is vital to the life and health of your online marketing strategy.

Each social media site has a different structure, so editing content for all these sites entails a different approach.

Instagram, being an image sharing platform, lends easily to the creation of infographics. This means that content can be divided into snippets and integrated into visual slides to appear as posts or stories.

On Twitter and Facebook, we make sure to create posts for all of our new content, combined with a graphic, a brief description, any relevant hashtags, and a link to the content being advertised.

#2: Re-Promoting on Social Media

Once we’ve made posts on social media, our job isn’t finished. The name of the game in social media is consistency, and it’s important to continue reinforcing your content with fresh alerts and updates or it is likely to get buried in the perpetually moving feed of information.

That’s why it’s good practice to frequently update our Instagram or other social media story with reminders about the currently released blog posts, urging our followers to check them out. Story updates with “NEW POST” are a regular fixture of social media life, and they can be used to your advantage as an entrepreneur.

#3: PowerPoint Slides

9 Ways We Repurpose Our Content to Increase Visibility and Generate Leads

PowerPoint, a familiar and popular communications tool especially in office and educational settings, is another key method to building your content portfolio. It’s the Microsoft application that lets you easily create eye-catching informational slides for presentation in a variety of formal events, meetings, conferences, seminars, or most anywhere else you like.

Our central content is refitted for PowerPoint in much the same way that we do for Instagram. Short, simplified sections of the content can be excerpted in your slides to give viewers an easy-to-read visual aid that assists in comprehension and note taking. The presentations we create can also be used on YouTube, which we’ll go into more later in this article.

#4: Audio Versions

If you’ve ever listened to an audiobook instead of reading the print version either because it’s easier to comprehend, because it creates time when you’re on your commute or performing other tasks, or simply because you’re not such a big fan of reading, this option is for you.

Creating audio files of our content is a great way to reach new, wider circles who prefer to consume their content auditorily, and reaching new audiences is the ABCs of generating leads.

#5: Ebooks

Ebooks are an important and dynamic extension of the same style of content as our blogs but deviate somewhat from the pattern of the rest of this list.

While ebooks incorporate many of the same elements of the blogs, expanding and going more in depth and in detail about the topics we cover here, they don’t strictly comprise the same content as the blogs themselves.

Instead, they are a unique offering that gives an in-depth analysis and the full breadth of insight our team has to offer, combined with skillfully created graphic design to give a fully laid-out catalog.

A new ebook is released every month and is available for download on our ebook homepage.

#6: Webinars

Then the depth of information offered in our ebooks enables us to branch out and share that information in other forums. 9 Ways We Repurpose Our Content to Increase Visibility and Generate Leads

By hosting webinars, we are able to reach new, wider audiences with our content, attract positive attention to our brand, network, and raise our profile. All of this surely translates into leads, and the more you do it, the more the effect grows.

Our recent webinar, “Optimize Your Mobile Website for Online Users,” was a huge success. We’re excited to continue bringing you more of this type of event in the future.

#7: Email Blasts

9 Ways We Repurpose Our Content to Increase Visibility and Generate Leads

We also use Mailchimp to send out weekly emails sharing our top viewed blog of the week, accompanied by another two blogs posted in the same week.

It also contains a brief description of the top blog of the week, the blog’s featured image, and an encouragement for the recipient to check it out if they haven’t yet.

Getting the word out is essential, and if you want to get the most eyes on your content that you can, you can’t skimp on the outreach efforts.

#8: Videos

With the increasing prominence of video sharing platforms like TikTok in the social media world, we’ve found it indispensable to make sure we are engaging with this current medium.

By re-editing the content to share here and also through YouTube tutorials and on Instagram reels, we have the potential to reach a far wider audience than we can on our blog alone, as videos are more likely to be viewed by non-followers.

#9: Podcasts

9 Ways We Repurpose Our Content to Increase Visibility and Generate Leads

As our platform continues to grow, the next avenue we’d like to explore is creating podcast style conversations around topics to which we have devoted blogs, ebooks, slides, and videos.

Pod is the new radio, and we want to be a part of this new wave of educational entertainment.

On our podcasts, we’d like to hold stimulating discussions around vital topics and invite industry leaders to share their experience and expertise, taking the content we’ve developed in all our other formats to whole new levels. 9 Ways We Repurpose Our Content to Increase Visibility and Generate Leads

Being in a variety of different platforms spreads our reach to a multitude of areas, and this is where you need to be in order to succeed.

This also creates the possibility of making a name for ourselves not just as Delaware and Maryland’s top web designers, but also as high-quality content creators. That sounds great to us. Don’t miss this evolution – stay tuned to this page and make sure you follow all our socials to keep getting this high-quality content hot off the presses.

6Ninety9 Team

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