9 Ways to Convert Your Visitors into Customers

9 Ways to Convert Your Visitors into Customers

When you create an online home for your business, it’s a part of your marketing strategy. As such, its first, second, and third objectives are driving business to your doors.

So when you set about building your digital marketing portfolio, you have to know all the best tricks of the trade to pipeline traffic into your “confirm purchase” page. That’s where we come in. Here are 9 of the best ways to turn your website’s visitors into customers today.

#1: Make your website better

The first tip is simple, and it comes straight from our hearts as a web design outlet: if you want to inspire your visitors to buy, start by improving your website.

This means many things, starting with having a more user-based design, to making your design more aesthetically pleasing, to building quality content that your users find useful or educational.

If you’re using WooCommerce, which, by the way, we recommend, then you can find a list of ways to optimize your site for users here.

#2: Make your website faster

9 Ways to Convert Your Visitors into Customers

Going hand-in-hand with improving your website from a design standpoint is improving it from a technical standpoint. This includes making sure your website runs properly and isn’t keeping your users waiting forever with interminable loading times.

For every 0.1 second that your loading time is delayed, your conversions are diminished by 7%.

Google Analytics offers many tips to ameliorate this issue under its “Speed” heading. You can also use tools like GTMetrix.

#3: Focus on your selling point


Any good online business should have one defining characteristic that makes it stand out. This is typically a brief description that a customer can learn within a minute or two of landing on your page.

Less is more. Communicate your message as quickly and effectively as you can. Don’t overload your users with information. Give a clear signal as to what you offer and why they should purchase it. Your customers will appreciate the clarity and that will draw them to you.


 #4: Start a blog

9 Ways to Convert Your Visitors into Customers

Blogs like this one are a great way to show your expertise in your field, and in so doing, create new clientele.

Driving traffic to your homepage with fresh, well-written, high-quality content on key topics pertaining to your industry is a great way to attract positive attention to your business, and that means more prospective buyers.

It’s also important to make sure your content is SEO-friendly, with embedded keywords, pertinent links, and tags, so it appears high on search and gets into customers’ hands more readily.

#5: Start an email list

Most businesses today are focused on their social media outreach, but email still has a return of investment (ROI) of $36 for every dollar spent.

This is why 64.1% of small businesses use email marketing initiatives.

Email will not only create more traffic for your website, it will also bring you more paying customers if you know how to use it to maximum advantage. One way to do this is to include special offers in your emails. Another is to split up your contact list in an optimal way.

#6: Segment your email list

9 Ways to Convert Your Visitors into Customers

Segmentation is one of the most crucial ingredients in your email marketing plan. Divide your listserv according to product, area of interest, level of engagement, buyer persona, ideal customer profile (ICP), etc.

This way you can optimize customer response by ensuring that the person you’re speaking to wants to hear what you have to say.

#7: Use calls-to-action


Calls-to-action are linked concluding phrases or buttons strategically placed within any page giving an offer or attempting to engage your user with what you do, which call upon that user to take the next step from the information you’ve given them, and act.

You should have calls-to-action in any such page, and in order to get the most out of them, make sure you’re optimizing CTAs as well.

If your CTA link is in text, utilize language that makes it clear what action you want the reader to take, such as “Click here now.” If you are using a button, image, or gif, it should be equally easy to spot and invite the reader to click.


 #8: Leverage social proof

Social proof is another great way to ramp up conversions. This means customer testimonials, influencer endorsements, or professional reviews.

Inc. recently reported that 84% of people trust online reviews just as much as a recommendation from someone they know personally.

Getting positive customer feedback through interactive online experiences and your social networking platforms and displaying it on your homepage will bring a lot more interest your way – and that means a lot more actionable business.

#9: Know your strategy


The most important part of any form of marketing intended to increase your sales is to make a clear plan, follow through with it, reassess frequently and right the ship in the event of any error.

In order to get where you want to go, you have to have a clear route to get there, and that’s where an expert digital marketing team comes into play.

If you’re ready to enlist just such a team and kickstart your business using this type of knowledge, don’t delay. Visit our homepage to schedule a consultation today.

6Ninety9 Team

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