6 Consequences of Not Having a Business Website

6 Consequences of Not Having a Business Website

There are any number of reasons why you should have a professional website for your business or organization, many of which we’ve gone over at length in the past.

But what happens if you don’t have one?

Some businesses may opt for saving on creating a website, especially if they are strictly brick-and-mortar establishments that don’t use e-commerce. But we think we can show just how important having a website can be, and how skipping it can put you at a significant disadvantage.

To that end, here are some of the notable consequences of not having a website for your business, and how avoiding them can make you thrive.

#1: You won’t be competitive

6 Consequences of Not Having a Business Website

As of this year, 69% of the world’s population, or 4.9 billion people, are on the internet. That percentage gets higher when you’re looking at just a developed country like the United States, and will really strike you if you’re looking at just your immediate area, which is the market you’re working with if you’re a small entrepreneur.

This means that if your competitors are reaching this massive pool of people using the vital and dynamic communication channels of the web and you’re not, it puts them at a major advantage over you. And especially if their website is optimized for local search, it means that in essence, their business is at the top of the Yellow Pages of the day, and yours is conspicuously absent.

#2: It will hurt your reputation

Customers today expect a business to be on the internet. It’s just the standard. When they want the services you offer, they search for you on Google, and if they know your shop is around the corner but aren’t sure where to find you, they’ll look you up on google maps.

Not having a presence in these places will make you appear unprofessional, and discourage customers from patronizing you again. Give them what they want! Make yourself accessible to them in the way people communicate and get information today.

#3: It will hurt your social media

6 Consequences of Not Having a Business Website

Some businesses may think it’s not as important to invest in creating a professional website as long as they have a Facebook or Instagram page.

But not having a flagship site will also hurt your ability to make gains in those places. First, that homepage anchors your entire online presence by linking customers to your chosen social media platforms. Second, it takes away your customers’ ability to spread the word about your business by sharing your URL in posts with branded hashtags. This kind of free marketing is just what you need to reach your goals.

#4: You won’t get into people’s hands

There’s a new way that people have of interacting with the world around them today, and that’s smartphones and tablets. Every day, millions of people carry these handheld devices with them wherever they go, and they use them to get information, find resources and services, and even create things, all with the convenience of an object that fits in their pocket.

These devices have become people’s window to the world, and if you’re not on the web, that window is shut to you. Just think of the heights that you could reach if you had a fully optimized, mobile-responsive website being broadcast directly into the hands of every person on the streets today. That’s an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

#5: You can’t give people the news

6 Consequences of Not Having a Business Website

One of the most important functions of a business website is to give customers updates on changed hours, changed rates, new offers, promotions, celebration events, etc. If you’re not online, you can’t send out this information as it’s happening, and that will seriously set back your ability to market your business.

A website is a living advertisement, a constantly morphable and expansive billboard to which you can add as much information as you want, whenever you want. The marketing possibilities of this are endless, and make it an absolutely indispensable part of running a business today.

#6: You’ll have less brand recognition

Being on the internet puts you into people’s minds, just like having a TV ad with a catchy jingle does. It’s free 24/7 advertising, delivering your brand to both new and returning customers even while you’re not actively maintaining it.

With this form of self-publicity, you can make yourself known all over your local market and beyond. By skimping on it, you are letting yourself fall out of people’s radar, while your competitors are jumping ahead.

Don’t make the mistake of tumbling into any of these marketing pitfalls, and doing your business a significant disservice. If you’re ready to get in the game and become relevant to the world’s consumers today, visit our homepage to learn how to schedule a consultation.

6Ninety9 Team

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